Saturday, June 26, 2010


I tried to stay up to watch Spain V Chile, kick-off at 4:30.
I managed to stay up till 4:11 but caved in knowing i needed sleep for work =[
This girl about 12 came into work and she had a Justin Bieber magazine. Twas' cute. I asked her "Are you going to hang the posters up on your wall ?" =] She said, "Yes. They're going to look soo pretty on my wall."
Ngaww I find that cuuteeeeeeeee lol
And I also had wished i could bring Justin Bieber to her straight away.

[Side-note; You know what I hate ?!?!
When people start off their first ever blog with a sentence like " Don't expect me to say something witty or smart etc- then they chuck in the big words and be all literate in their ongoing blogs. =.=LIKETOTESLAME]

=] I feel like this is my diary. I should stop now.
Guess what! Guess what!


Now lets celebrate.